Thank you all so much for praying for my little Thomas. I know it always seems so cliche when people ask for prayer on Facebook or post something cryptic that leaves you wondering what the issue is. Funny thing is, I always pray when I see those posts, but never really thought that I would post one.
I fully believe in the power of prayer, and when I found myself praying alone in an ER in the middle of the night, I just thought about all of our amazing friends who love and support us who would be praying right along with us in that moment, if only they knew we needed it. We love you all and are so grateful for you.
It’s been 24 hours, almost to the minute since the nurse conducting a few routine tests, told me his blood sugar was 403 when it should be in its 60’s. Though I didn’t know what that meant fully, I almost immediately knew enough to know, life is going to be different. My heart sank, my eyes filled with tears. I was full of mixed feelings of sadness for him, for the things he would miss out on, but also filled with an overwhelming peace knowing that God is good and this will be use this for His glory.
Moments after his covid test, he said “who would ever do that to someone”
Then suddenly, it all made sense. The four days of being super tired, the lack of energy to make it to baseball practice. The inability to stay sitting up or awake for longer than a few seconds when no one was talking to him. The way he completely stopped arguing with everything I said, even my bad jokes went completely unrefuted. That was the big tell.
He didn’t have a fever, no runny nose, no headache, tummy-ache or runs. There were literally no other symptoms, just tired. Earlier in the day, we had called the pediatrician but because we live in times of a pandemic, sick = covid. So he had to be tested for covid. They tested him for strep at the same time. Negative, negative. I asked the provider, “what happens next?” She said, "He is covid negative, go home, push fluids.” I asked, “for how long?” “When do we sound the alarm? “what do I look for?” She said, “you can come back on Monday if you would like, Patty (one of our other children’s pediatricians) is working”. And with that, we left.
We got into the car, and I paused to send this picture to some of our good friends.
And by the time I sent the text. He was like this.
Something was definitely wrong, he got home washed his hands, and was out again in 2 seconds flat.
After consulting some of you, the general consensus was to take him in and give him fluids. So I fed some children, got them all ready for bed, packed some homework, cause I KNOW these things take a lot of time. We went to the new PresNow, again. It was just as quick and efficient as it was the last time we were here
So here is the 24-hour update:
Thomas has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He was transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit because he needs intensive care right now. He will remain there until they can get his levels within safe limits. His glucose is currently fluctuating between 177 and 264. He has been poked 31 times. He only wakes up to pee and ask for water.
I tell you all this because, In ten years, I hope to look back on this week and see how God carried us through, and how much we’ve learned and grown. Also, because Thomas is going to need all of you and your love and support, and Doug and I might a little too. ;)
We are asking for continued prayers that God guides his medical team and us, as his parents, while we navigate this new path he has placed us on.